Friday, December 12, 2008

Greetings and Happy Holidays from the Island of Barbados!

Wahoo, Wahoo, Wahoo, we have crossed the last ocean. Our planned 15 day crossing of the Atlantic Ocean turned out to be a 21 day passage due to light or no wind. Occasionally, we were blessed with some nice 15 to 20 knot NE winds which provided great sailing and helped with the mileage.

Other than some engine problems where we feared we would have no power for the entire journey (Ken the magnificent mechanic fixed it somehow) and our Genneker sail ripping in an unexpected squall, the trip was very pleasant.

We now plan to island hop through the Caribbean to Panama where the canal awaits our passage into the Pacific Ocean.

We sailed for days under the
genneker sail

And then, during the night the hailyard broke
and on another night the sail was completely
shredded in a sudden gale. Both times the sail
went into the water and we had to drag it out.

After we lost the genneker we rigged a spare
jib on a pole to windward. It worked quite well.

Land ho! after 21 days at sea, we saw Barbados

Happy to be across the Atlantic Ocean


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